How to download KUCCPS admission letters 2020/2021

How to download KUCCPS admission letters 2020/2021, this is one of the very common questions asked by students after being placed successfully at the specific institution one applied for.

This admission letters are always available for students placed to an institution of higher learning by Kenya University and colleges central placement service (KUCCPS). Colleges, universities and institutions of higher learning does not always necessarily send admission letters to students directly. But you have no need to worry as you can easily download your admission letter to check all requirements regarding the institution and admission you have been placed by KUCCPS.

Admission letter to colleges and universities always have important information to new students like the reporting date or fee structure, accommodation info among other useful information in the admission letters.

Simple steps on how to download KUCCPS admission letter 2020-2021

Here is an example on how to get your admission letter for a student placed by KUCCPS to Kenyatta University

  1. Kenyatta university
  2. On upon confirmation of your admission status to Kenyatta university, proceed to the admission portal you can easily find this by googling the admission portal to this school you will have a link that will look like this: click on the link provided
  3. On this link you will have steps which will prompt you to insert your index number in the format XXXXXXXXXX/2020 where XXX is the index number followed by KCSE year
  4. After you have correctly filled in the details you can now navigate to the admission letter section where you will download and print your admission letter
  5. It is advisable to do this procedure in a cyber café.

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The second example is how to download admission letters for students who have been placed by KUCCPS to join Sigalagala national polytechnic September 2020 admissions.

  • Sigalagala national polytechnic.
  • Use your browser preferably google chrome  to log onto using your KCSE index number/ year example, 2455401280/2019 as both your username and password
  • The second step here on this portal is to fill in your profile
  • The last step you will now have to download your admission letters plus all other required files

Those are the basic procedures on how to get your admission letter as a new student Keep in mind that this applies those students placed in by KUCCPS. For other institutions not stated here the procedure is basically the same all you need to do is just to find the admissions portal in the official websites of the institutions.

We are a group of graduates from Kenya school of TVET which is tasked with Training of Technical Trainers to teach in secondary schools and tertiary institutions, Implementation of various syllabi under TVET Programs in collaboration with stakeholders. Development of relevant syllabi for technical training in collaboration with stakeholders.

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