Comprehensive information on all forms and levels of education and training which provide knowledge and skills related to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life through formal, non-formal and informal learning methods in both school-based and work-based learning

Zetech university certificate courses and requirements

As of 2023, Zetech offers 21 degree programmes, 22 diploma programs, and 15 certificate courses. It also offers a number of ZBTI and professional courses. Since the inception of Zetech, over 60,000 students have graduated from the institution. Currently, there are more than 5,000 students at Zetech University pursuing the various courses they offer. Zetech […]

Diploma in environmental science module 3 KNEC past papers

This course is aimed at providing the trainee with knowledge and their application i.e. Operate monitor and manage a chemical processing plant. Prepare accurate laboratory reports as well as supervisory laboratory work. Maintain environmental safety and control pollution. Diploma in environmental science module 1 units Diploma in environmental science module 2 units Diploma in environmental science module […]

Diploma in environmental science module 1 KNEC past papers

This course is aimed at providing the trainee with knowledge and their application i.e. Operate monitor and manage a chemical processing plant. Prepare accurate laboratory reports as well as supervisory laboratory work. Maintain environmental safety and control pollution. Diploma in environmental science module 1 units Diploma in environmental science module 2 units Diploma in environmental science module […]

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