- Applied Geometry KNEC past papers
- Electrical installation trade theory
- General study KNEC past papers
- Support subjects KNEC past papers
- Science KNEC past papers
- Mathematics KNEC past papers
Artisan course units
- General study
- Electrical installation trade theory
- Support subjects
- Science
- Mathematics
- Applied chemistry
- Trade practice
Artisan KNEC past papers pdf
- Artisan certificate in welding and fabrication KNEC past papers
- Artisan certificate in plumbing KNEC past papers
- Artisan certificate in painting and decorating KNEC past papers
- Artisan in leatherwork technology KNEC past papers
- Artisan certificate in motor vehicle mechanics KNEC past papers
- Artisan certificate in masonry KNEC past papers
- Artisan certificate in General agriculture KNEC past papers
- Artisan certificate in general fitter KNEC past papers
- Artisan certificate in garment making KNEC past papers
- Artisan certificate in electrical installation KNEC past papers
TVETS offers a variety of Artisan courses which includes and not limited to, business department, building and construction department, engineering, food science, agricultural, beauty and fashion and technical artisan courses.
Engineering and technology related courses
- Artisan in electrical installation.
- Artisan in electrical installation & electrical wire man.
- Artisan certificate in electrical installatio.
- Artisan certificate in electrical installation level 4 ( cdacc)
- Artisan in electrical and electronics technology.
Technical artisan courses
- Artisan in Arc Welding.
- Artisan in Welding and Fabrication.
- Artisan in ICT (Information Communication Technology)
- Grade Electrical Wireman.
- Artisan Hairdressing and Beauty.
- NVCET in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
- Artisan in General Agriculture.
- Grade III in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy.
Benefits of KNEC past papers
- It improves learners knowledge
- Helps you understand the units taught
- Gives the learners insight on what kind of questions to expect
- Prepares learners for their main end of course exam.
- Helps trainers in creating assessment tools
- Supplements learner’s education.
- Helps in group discussion
TVET KNEC PAST PAPERS: https://newsspot.co.ke/2024/04/01/tvet-knec-past-papers-2/
TVET CDACC CBET LEVEL 4, 5 & 6 PAPERS: https://newsspot.co.ke/2024/04/01/tvet-cdacc-past-papers/
Good quality things