Diploma In Electrical And Electronic Engineering Module 3 KNEC Past Papers

Download Diploma In Electrical And Electronic Engineering Module 3 KNEC Past Papers on this site inclusive of all units.

Diploma In Electrical And Electronic Engineering Module 3 KNEC past papers pdf download

  1. Engineering mathematics 3. KNEC past papers
  2. Power Electronics KNEC past papers
  3. Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution KNEC past papers
  4. Machines and Utilization KNEC past papers
  5. Electromagnetic Fields Theory KNEC past papers
  6. Estimating, Tendering and Engineering services contracts KNEC past papers
  7. Microprocessor Systems KNEC past papers
  8. Micro-controller technology KNEC past papers
  9. Microprocessor systems KNEC past papers

Diploma In Electrical And Electronic Engineering Module 3 UNITS

This is the full list of Diploma In Electrical And Electronic Engineering Module 3 UNITS which are examined by KNEC and are available for download in pdf format on this page.

  1. Trade project.
  2. Engineering mathematics 3.
  3. Power Electronics.
  4. Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution.
  5. Machines and Utilization.
  6. Electromagnetic Fields Theory.
  7. Estimating, Tendering and Engineering services contracts.
  8. Microprocessor Systems.
  9. Micro-controller technology
  10. Microprocessor systems

Benefits of KNEC past papers

As a student of Diploma In Electrical And Electronic Engineering Module 3, it is important to have these KNEC past papers because;

  • It improves learners knowledge and revision
  • Helps you understand the units taught
  • Gives the learners insight on what kind of questions to expect
  • Prepares learners for their main end of course exam.
  • Supplements learner’s education.


Engineering mathematics 3.

This unit meets the need of students in other fields of physics, earth sciences, etc., as a unit that develop students to transform real life problems into mathematical equations and the provide the appropriate numerical schemes to approximate solution of such models. Topics to be covered on this unit include, Mathematical modeling of Physical systems and formulation of models. This unit is taught in power option, telecommunication option and instrumentation option field of electrical and electronic engineering.

Power Electronics.

This unit Power Electronics refers to an interdisciplinary subject within electrical engineering that deals with the design, control and conversion of power in its electric form. A system that converts electric energy to an electric load through a control circuit is known as a Power Electronic System. This unit is also referred to as power electronics, machines and utilization.

Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution.

Electric power transmission is the bulk movement of electrical energy from a generating site, such as a power plant, to an electrical substation. This unit includes mathematic formulas and diagrammatic representation.

Machines and Utilization.

This unit is designed to study different electrical power machines and their use in various applications in electrical and electronic engineering. it is also known as power electronics machines and utilization.

Electromagnetic Fields Theory.

An electromagnetic field is a classical (i.e. non-quantum) field produced by accelerating electric charges. The way in which charges and currents interact with the electromagnetic field is described by Maxwell’s equations and the Lorentz force law. This unit trainees will be able to learn more on this by application of mathematical formulas and theory.

Estimating, Tendering and Engineering services contracts.

Estimating is concerned with the processes used by contractors to establish the cost to themselves of carrying out construction work. Tendering is concerned with the commercial aspects of bidding for and obtaining work by contracting companies or individuals. Measurement and accurate estimation of the cost of work is crucial to providing meaningful cost information for both the construction business and the client

Microprocessor Systems & Micro-controller technology

Microprocessor consists of only a Central Processing Unit, whereas Micro Controller contains a CPU, Memory, I/O all integrated into one chip. Microprocessor uses an external bus to interface to RAM, ROM, and other peripherals, on the other hand, Microcontroller uses an internal controlling bus. Trainees will be able to learn and differentiate these on this unit.


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