Diploma in agriculture module 3 KNEC past papers

Get free Diploma in agriculture module 3 KNEC past papers on this site inclusive of all units. We have compiled you several KNEC past papers from past years both July and November KNEC series to help you get started and improve your learning.

Diploma in agriculture module 3 units

  • Agricultural engineering 3
  • Animal production 3
  • Crop production 3
  • Environmental management
  • Extension education
  • Farm business management

This is the full list of Diploma in agriculture module 3 units which are examined by KNEC and are available for download in pdf format on this page.

Get comprehensive access of all Diploma in agriculture module 3 KNEC past papers for free. All you need to do is to download the papers to save them on your device for free in soft copy format

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Benefits of KNEC past papers

As a student of Diploma in agriculture module 3, it is important to have these KNEC past papers because;

  • It improves learners knowledge
  • Helps you understand the units taught
  • Gives the learners insight on what kind of questions to expect
  • Prepares learners for their main end of course exam.
  • Supplements learner’s education.

Diploma in agriculture module 3 KNEC past papers pdf download

Diploma in agriculture module Course outline

Agricultural engineering 3 course outline

Agricultural Engineering unit is the field of study and application of engineering science and designs principles for agricultural purposes, combining the various disciplines of mechanical, science , food, software and chemical engineering to improve the efficiency of farms and agribusiness enterprises as well as to ensure sustainability of natural and renewable resources.

Animal production 3 course outline

This unit discusses the role of animal production systems in a sustainable society; sustainability problems within animal production systems; and four measures for the improvement of the contribution to societal sustainability from animal production. This unit discuses the advantages of animal production which include; Raising animals humanely can use less feed, fuel and water than intensive farming, reducing costs and pollution. Humane farms can create jobs, boost profits and keep local food supplies healthy. By farming crops and livestock, humane farms can reduce environmental damage – recycling nutrients and improving the soil.

Crop production 3 course outline

This unit discusses Field crop production process: Land preparation, propagation and planting, soil moisture management, management of pests (weeds, insect pests, and pathogens), crop nutrition management, harvesting, and postharvest handling. The principles of crop production include; preparation of soil, sowing, adding manure and fertilizers, irrigation, weeding, harvesting and proper storage.

Environmental management course outline

Environmental Management can be defined as “the management of the interaction and impact of human activities on the natural environment”. Environmental management unit tries to identify the factors that have a stake in the conflicts that may rise between meeting the needs but protecting the environment.

Extension education course outline

Agricultural Extension unit is an informal educational process directed toward the rural population. This process offers advice and information to help them solve their problems. Extension also aims to increase the efficiency of the family farm, increase production and generally increase the standard of living of the farm family.

Farm business management course outline

Farm Business & Production Management unit teaches the skills needed to be competitive in agriculture and maximize profits. Topics in this unit include crop production, soil management, and financial planning and analysis as well as the feeding, breeding, and management of livestock.


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