November 2021 KNEC business exam Timetable TVETs And Colleges.

See the full November 2021 KNEC business exam Timetable TVETs And Colleges. This November examination series was dated for theory and practical from 22nd November 2021 to 17th December 2021, Business exams will end earlier as from 22nd November to 3rd December. KNEC officially has released the November 2021 KNEC timetable for TVETs and colleges for 2021 November TVETs BUSINESS EXAMS.

For easy navigation on the timetable ensure you know the unit or exam codes of your respective courses.


The time allowed for each paper is indicated against the name of the paper and no extra time is to be allowed. In case of any discrepancy, the time stated on the question paper should be taken as correct. Visually impaired candidates will not be given extra time other than what is stated on their respective papers. Any time allocated to reading through questions is included in the total time shown, except when special paper instructions indicate otherwise.

All first session examinations will start at 8.00 a.m. The start time for the second session examinations will be as indicated on the timetable

Your attention is drawn to the regulations governing the conduct of candidates under items 3.0; 4.0; 5.0 and 6.0 of the timetable.


Supervisors are asked to take all necessary steps to ensure that the following instructions are brought to the notice of the Teachers and Candidates under examination.

Teachers are advised to ensure that their students are carefully drilled on how to carry out the instructions given below and that candidates are aware of the penalties for irregularities or misconduct. Candidates are required to follow these instructions carefully.


  • Be at your seat in the Examination Room five minutes before the time fixed for the examination in the various papers.
  • First morning sessions will normally start at 8.00 a.m. and the 2nd morning sessions will start at 11.30 a.m.
  • A candidate who arrives late will be required to give a satisfactory reason to the supervisor. Except in exceptional
  • Circumstances, a paper will not be given to any candidate who is more than half an hour late. Absolute punctuality is essential for certain papers, e.g. Shorthand.
  • If an examination paper for which you are not registered for is handed to you, or if the questions indicate that a map or other material should also have been given out, speak to the supervisor at once.
  • Attend carefully to any general directions that may be given at the head of a paper, e.g. directions limiting the number of questions that should be answered.
  • Write your name, your index number as well as the name of the paper on the first page of each answer book or sheet of each set of papers you use. Thereafter, your index number must be written in clear figures in the space provided on every sheet or page of answer book.
  • Write on both sides of the paper, but do not use the margins. Begin the answer to each separate part of a question on a fresh line.
  • Write the number of the question clearly in the left-hand margin at the beginning of each answer. Do not copy the question. Be careful to use the same system of numbering as appears in the question paper. Leave a blank line after the answer to each question.
  • Write your answers with black or blue ink. You may use a fountain pen or ball point pen. Pencils should only be used for diagrams. Remember that handwriting and spelling will be taken into account.
  • Bring mathematical and drawing instruments for subjects for which they will be needed.
  • Read the questions carefully. A lot of time may be wasted in writing down information that is not asked for and no marks are given for it.

Get the full instructions and the schedule of the respective course exam by downloading the timetable using the link below?

DOWNLOAD November 2021 business exam timetable here

DOWNLOAD November 2021 Technical exam timetable here

Enhance your revision by getting free KNEC past papers on our site for various courses sampled below



We are a group of graduates from Kenya school of TVET which is tasked with Training of Technical Trainers to teach in secondary schools and tertiary institutions, Implementation of various syllabi under TVET Programs in collaboration with stakeholders. Development of relevant syllabi for technical training in collaboration with stakeholders.

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